Pristaulacus barbeyi (Ferrière, 1933), new to Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera Aulacidae)

Ricevuto: 26 December 2012
Accettato: 18 March 2013
Pubblicato: 16 December 2013
Abstract Views: 503
PDF: 507
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  • Giuseppe Fabrizio Turrisi University of Catania, C.U.T.G.A.N.A. Centro Universitario per la Tutela e la Gestione degli Ambienti Naturali e degli Agroecosistemi c/o Laboratorio Naturalistico Ambientale "Natura e Scienza", Italy.
The occurrence of Pristaulacus barbeyi (Ferrière, 1933) in iberian Peninsula is reported for the first time on the basis of one female specimen collected in North spain (Asturias, Castanedo del Monte), stored in the Natural History Museum, London.

Agenzie di supporto

European Commission’s (FP 6) Integrated Infrastructure Initiative Programme Synthesys (GB-TAF 390)

Turrisi, G. F. (2013). Pristaulacus barbeyi (Ferrière, 1933), new to Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera Aulacidae). Bollettino Della Società Entomologica Italiana, 145(3), 99–102.


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