A new species of Hemerodromia Meigen, 1822 from Sierra Leone with key to species of Afrotropical Region (Insecta, Diptera, Empididae)

Ricevuto: 14 March 2014
Accettato: 29 April 2014
Pubblicato: 15 August 2014
Abstract Views: 544
PDF: 656
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A new species of Hemerodromia Meigen, 1822 from Sierra Leone is described: Hemerodromia curvinervis n. sp. is related to Hemerodromia portia Jones, 1940, from which it differs in having the veins r4+5 and M1 ondulate and converging apically, M2 sinuous and reaching to coste of wing, hind tibia apically lacking setae and for the shape of male terminalia.

Gianni Raffone, Entomology Section, Natural History Museum, Venezia



Raffone, G. (2014). A new species of Hemerodromia Meigen, 1822 from Sierra Leone with key to species of Afrotropical Region (Insecta, Diptera, Empididae). Bollettino Della Società Entomologica Italiana, 146(2), 83–86. https://doi.org/10.4081/BollettinoSEI.2014.83


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